Doces Bolações

Doces Bolações is a YouTube channel in the cooking category, presented by cake designer Thais Döhler.

Channel created by the project Inspiradores Digitais from Agência Trato where I worked. Doces Bolações Instagram started posting in April 2019 and the profile was managed by me until November 6, 2019.

Report generated by mLabs

My mission as social media manager at Doces Bolações was to create content for the posts, capture engaged followers, mainly on Instagram, to direct them to the YouTube channel.

The editorial line of Doces Bolações on Instagram

The editorial line of Doces Bolações was defined for Instagram and Facebook, but on Facebook the posts were the same as on Instagram. Following the 3 chosen pillars:

  • Patisserie: posts related to confectionery in general. News in the patisserie world, from innovations to tips on establishments that sell different sweets.
  • Inspiration: inspirational quotes and success stories.
  • Entrepreneurship: success stories of small entrepreneurs, tips for those who are starting to undertake patisserie and tips on how to earn money at home.

Whenever there was a new video on the YouTube channel, a preview/teaser of the channel’s video was posted on social networks, both in the feed and in the story.

Social media management tasks

  • Generate follower engagement.
  • Sponsorship of posts on Instagram and Facebook, mainly teasers for the channel’s videos, with the aim of bringing people to the channel to watch the videos.
  • Reply to comments on Instagram and Facebook posts. (SAC)
  • Data analysis and reports prepared every end of the month with the results of that period.